Sunday, June 12, 2005

Anna's apartment

Anna's apartment
Originally uploaded by Miss-E.
The four girls, before going out on Friday night. Zandra's school friend Anna in centre, with her dog Peanut (Jack Russell terrier). Can't remember if I mentioned, but all dogs in New York are either big or small, and all pure bred. They also tend to serve as an introductory tool between people. It is a general stereotype that city people (and especially New Yorkers) keep to themselves. Yet people (with or without dogs) will often stop to talk to and compliment an owner of a dog. Zandra and I took Peanut for a walk while Anna was getting showered and ready, and in 15 minutes, had conversations (about dogs of course) with about 4 people. They are also very docile, would like to find out if bred or trained to be this way, or just result of growing up in big, noisy city and small apartments.


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